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Easy, Fast & Legally Legit Legal Templates for Copywriters

Let’s lay it out straight. Growing a brand ain’t easy. Luckily, your stellar clients have you to perfect all the tricky stuff for them. Whether you’re creating compelling copy for their marketing, refining their messaging, or developing content strategies… let me guess: your legals have fallen to the wayside. No sweat, friend. These legal templates have been designed by lawyers specifically for copywriters like you. Inside you’ll find everything you need to protect you, your work, and your business.

Why Copywriters Love These Legal Templates

Your copywriting business has heeeaps of moving parts. And legals? Well, they seem harder to grasp than the latest SEO algorithms #nothanks. Now, you don’t have to worry. Simply enter your brand’s info into templated contracts and agreements in a matter of minutes. These templates are designed to make your life easier, so you can focus on what matters most. Avoid those pesky awkward conversations about payment or production time by using these industry-specific copywriter legal templates that only need a little tailoring before it's ready for action! 

But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s feedback from copywriters already using these legal templates to feel legally legit (read: confident, protected, and in control).

Cover image of why bookkeepers love our templates

"I initially had a consultation where I was able to fire all my questions out and got them all answered perfectly and walked away knowing exactly what I needed. I ended up buying their copywriter bundle and the entire process from start to finish was seamless. Thank you team! Very happy with my purchase. "


"We took advantage of the free consultation to review our existing website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy as we know they were dated. The feedback was extremely valuable. We ended up purchasing 2 new templates at a fraction of the cost of what it would have cost to use a law firm. Thanks for your help Riz. "

Mark N.

"Thank you Riz for streamlining the whole process of getting my website terms and client agreement in good order. The templates were easy to follow and customise, plus the complimentary call was so helpful. I feel confident in my final documents and would highly recommend Foundd Legal. "

Karlee I.
Cover image Curious which bookkeeping professionals are already benefiting from these templates
Copywriters Includes

Wondering which copywriters these legal templates are suited to? Here’s a peek at who’s already using them!   

  • Freelance copywriters 
  • Marketing agencies with in-house copywriters 
  • Content creation firms 
  • SEO content specialists 

Copywriters are brilliant with words, but they often neglect their own legal safety. They're too busy doing what they love—creating great content for clients! But they’re not always thinking about whether there's an agreement in place protecting them if something goes wrong with a project. Our copywriting services agreement templates can help make sure you’re covering yourself and setting clear expectations with clients. This template is designed to make your life easier, so you can focus on what matters most. Avoid those pesky awkward conversations about payment or production time by using this industry-specific copywriter legal template that only needs a little tailoring before it's ready for action!

How to use your template


Purchase your template and immediately receive a download link to your inbox.


Tune into the accompanying video for exactly how to personalise the template for your biz.


Refer to your PDF guide for extra info about how to apply your biz details to the template.

Edit & Apply

Customise to fit your needs and use with ease.

Essentials Legal Kit for Copywriters 

Starting your copywriting business with the right legal safeguards in place is crucial for sustainable growth and professional credibility. Our Essentials Legal Kit for Copywriters provides you with the fundamental legal documents needed to protect your business, manage client relationships, and comply with online regulations.

This kit includes:

  • Services Agreement: Outline the scope of your services, payment terms, and other key provisions to prevent misunderstandings and ensure smooth client interactions.
  • Website Terms & Conditions: Set the rules for the use of your website, protecting your content and limiting liability.
  • Privacy Policy: Ensure compliance with data protection laws by clearly stating how you collect, use, and protect visitor and client information.

Together, these documents minimise potential legal issues and protect against liability, allowing you to focus on what you do best—creating compelling content. Customise each template to suit the specific needs of your business, ensuring coverage and peace of mind as you grow your brand in the competitive world of copywriting.

IMPT: Whilst we have created the Services Agreement template with copywriters in mind, it is just a template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Website Terms & Conditions for Service Providers

As a copywriter, ensuring your website operates within the legal boundaries is important, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Our Website Terms & Conditions template is specifically designed for service providers who need to secure their online operations efficiently. This template clarifies the rules and expectations for your website’s users, protecting both you and your visitors.

Implementing these terms is straightforward: just customise with your specific details, integrate them into your website, and you're ready to engage with your audience confidently and safely.

Who benefits the most?

If you're managing a service-oriented website, these Terms & Conditions are essential. Ideal for creatives, consultants, coaches, or any professional who interacts with clients online, this document ensures that every interaction on your website is governed by clear, fair rules. It's not just about compliance; it's about creating a trustworthy environment where your business can thrive.

Ready to protect your online interactions? Our Website Terms & Conditions make it simple to establish a secure, professional online presence.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Privacy Policy for Copywriters Template 

Understanding and respecting privacy rights is critical in today's digital landscape. Our Privacy Policy template for service providers is designed to clearly outline how you collect, use, and store personal information. This template helps you articulate these processes to your clients and website visitors, eliminating any ambiguity and building trust by ensuring transparency.

This policy not only helps put your customers at ease by detailing their data rights but also safeguards your business by aligning it with privacy standards. Tailor it to match your specific practices, and you can confidently manage personal data with integrity.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Independent Contractor Agreement Template 

Utilising independent contractors is an effective strategy for businesses looking to bring in specialised skills or temporary expertise without the commitment of full-time employment. Whether you need short-term assistance for a project, specialised skills that are outside your team’s expertise, or additional resources during peak times, this Independent Contractor Agreement Template ensures that both parties enter into the arrangement with clear expectations.

This template helps outline the scope of work, duration, payment terms, and other essential terms of engagement, which are crucial for maintaining professional boundaries and ensuring compliance with legal standards.

Ideal for businesses looking to enhance their capabilities in non-client-facing roles, this agreement helps you manage the engagement of experts who work on essential behind-the-scenes tasks and projects, ensuring your business operations run smoothly and efficiently.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Subcontractor Agreement Template 

Expanding your business often requires more than what your current team can handle, especially when venturing into specialised areas like social media marketing, web development, or digital innovations. Our Subcontractor Agreement Template is tailored to help you seamlessly integrate expert freelancers into your projects without overburdening your core team.

This template ensures that all terms of engagement are clearly defined from the outset, reducing potential misunderstandings and smoothing the path for successful collaborations. Use it when engaging subcontractors to handle specific tasks or projects, ensuring that every detail—from scope of work to payment terms—is agreed upon, thereby preventing any complications down the line.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Employment Agreement Template 

It's no secret that scaling your company can be exciting, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. You might not have the time or energy to put together an employment agreement for yourself and new hires because you're too busy managing everything else

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements. 

Employee Handbook 

Clear, well-documented policies are essential for maintaining a harmonious and efficient workplace. Our Employee Handbook is crafted to help you establish and communicate your expectations to employees, covering everything from daily operations to handling complex scenarios. This guide includes guidelines on preserving confidentiality, managing customer interactions, addressing workplace conflicts, and more, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

This handbook serves not only as a reference for your team but also as a tool to provide peace of mind by clarifying roles, responsibilities, and procedures. It's designed to keep your projects running smoothly and to foster a positive work environment where issues are handled proactively.

Equip your team with the knowledge and guidelines they need to succeed and contribute to your organisation's goals effectively.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Confidentiality (NDA) Agreement Contract Template 

In a world where collaboration fuels innovation, protecting your ideas is crucial. Our Confidentiality Agreement, commonly known as an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), ensures that your proprietary information remains secure while you engage with others. This template is designed to create a mutual understanding that sensitive information shared during discussions will not be disclosed, ensuring that your ideas stay protected unless explicitly agreed otherwise.

Who is this for?

Ideal for professionals across all industries who need to share confidential information with partners, contractors, or during negotiations. Whether you're in creative fields, consulting, or any sector where protecting intellectual property is vital, this template helps you maintain control over your most valuable assets.

Secure your collaborative efforts with confidence by implementing our NDA today.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Web Design Services Add-On Clause

Are you a creative looking to expand your services to include Web Design services without the need to have a separate agreement?  Elevate your digital presence with our Web Design Services Add-On clause, a perfect tool to broaden your online marketing scope. Integrate this feature into your existing Foundd Legal template Services Agreement to offer high-engagement video content services. 

Tailored for Foundd Legal templates, it ensures seamless integration into your existing template agreement.  Includes an easy-to-follow PDF and video guide for hassle-free integration into your existing Foundd Legal contract template. 

Suitable for the following Services Agreement templates either already purchased or planning to purchase and you want to save $$$ on customisation fees! 

NOT SUITABLE FOR Web Design Services Agreement, Design Studio Services Agreement and Creative Agency Services Agreement or their related kits as these already cover this service.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Licence Agreement Contract Template 

Establish clear terms for the licensing of your intellectual property with our License Agreement Contract Template. This template not only sets out the rights and obligations of both parties (including getting paid!) but also safeguards you against potential legal disputes, including copyright infringement. Proactively protecting your IP is crucial in today's competitive landscape. Don't leave it to chance—secure your creations from the start.

Who can benefit?

Ideal for creators, innovators, and businesses across various industries looking to license their work, this template provides the legal framework necessary to ensure that all parties understand their rights and responsibilities. Whether you're licensing surface pattern designs, artwork, written content, or other intellectual property, this contract helps maintain your control and protects your interests.

Ensure your intellectual property is used exactly as you intend by establishing a clear and enforceable license agreement today.

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Social Media Management Services ADD-ON CLAUSE

Are you a creative looking to expand your services to include Social Media Management services without the need to have a separate agreement? Elevate your digital presence with our Social Media Management Services Add-On clause, a perfect tool to broaden your online marketing scope.Integrate this feature into your existing Foundd Legal template Services Agreement to offer high-engagement video content services. Tailored for Foundd Legal templates, it ensures seamless integration into your existing template agreement. Includes an easy-to-follow PDF and video guide for hassle-free integration into your existing Foundd Legal contract template.

Suitable for the following Services Agreement templates either already purchased or planning to purchase and you want to save $$$ on customisation fees! 

NOT SUITABLE FOR Social Media Management Services Agreement and Creative Agency Services Agreement or their related kits as these already cover this service.

Intern Agreement Template 

Although internships are usually temporary positions, they offer an opportunity for individuals to gain work experience and training in their field. If you're ready to train someone up, this could be the perfect match! Internships can be paid or unpaid, but either way, they're worth consideration if you want the most from what's been offered. 

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Services Agreement Template for Copywriters 

You excel at crafting compelling, SEO-optimised copy that engages and converts, but the legal nuances of protecting your work shouldn’t distract you from your creative process. Our Services Agreement for Copywriters provides a great foundation to safeguard your interests, addressing common challenges like unauthorised use of drafts and delayed payments. While this template establishes a clear framework for client relationships, it is designed to be easily tailored to reflect your specific business needs and scenarios.

Who needs this?

Ideal for copywriters working directly with clients or through agencies, this contract outlines essential expectations and responsibilities allowing you to focus on what you do best: writing copy that captivates. Adapt it to ensure it covers all particulars of your services, preventing misuse of your work and securing timely payments.

IMPT: Whilst this template has been created with copywriters in mind, it is a template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Casual Employment Agreement 

Our Casual Employment Agreement Template offers specific terms for hiring temporary, project-based  or ‘as needed’ team members.   

This template sets out  

  • Employment status and type; 
  • Job title and description; 
  • Remuneration and pay frequency; 
  • Hours of work; 
  • Probation periods  
  • Leave entitlements (suitable for the type of agreement including annual leave, carer's leave, compassionate leave, family and domestic violence leave, community service leave); 
  • Intellectual property ownership and confidentiality; 
  • Termination of employment (notice periods and grounds for termination) 
  • Non compete provisions  
  • Dispute resolution and grievance procedure; 
  • Confidentiality and non-compete provisions; and  
  • Obligations of the employee (including workplace health and safety, non discrimination, and code of conduct). 

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Essential Website Kit for Service Providers 

Our Essential Website Kit includes Terms & Conditions and a Privacy Policy, making it easier for you to manage your online presence confidently, knowing that all interactions on the site are legally covered. 

IMPT: This is a general template and may not encompass all unique aspects or specific needs of your particular situation, so ensure to review and customise to suit your specific needs and requirements.

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Copywriting Contracts, Templates & More

Streamline your copywriting business with our essential legal documents, designed to safeguard your projects and enhance collaborations. Focus on crafting compelling copy while we handle the legal details.

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