Cover of Contract Blueprint

Contract Blueprint

Regular price$29.95
Tax included.

As an online business (or any business), if you are serious about your business, then you need this contract blueprint. This contract blueprint will walk you through the step by step process of signing up your client and the key terms to consider for your contract. Read on, Business Boss! 


Please note that using our online services and templates doesn’t constitute legal advice and doesn’t create a lawyer-client relationship between you and Foundd Legal. If you have questions about the template and whether it fits your specific needs or need legal advice, why not book in a consultation? The information offered on should be considered informational only and is NOT LEGAL ADVICE.

Jurisdiction: All Australian jurisdictions. This template adheres to Australian principles of contract law and is designed for those doing business in Australia. While similar principles may apply in your jurisdiction, please consult with a lawyer qualified in your jurisdiction.

Learn about the steps you need to take to look professional, get paid, cover your arse, basically be proactive and protect yourself using this handy contract blueprint. Define your goals, do your homework and test the waters. Set up the right terms and keep the lines of communication clear.

Looking for a contract template? We’ve got you covered. Click here to see all of the super-fun legal templates we have available!

Want to have a chat!  Book your consultation here!

  • Step by Step if working with your client
  • Terms you need consider having in your contract
  • What if things go wrong? We talk you through that too!

Any business that wants to have a good relationship with their client and get paid on time.

To ensure you know how to manage that relationship and know what you need to have in your contract to protect you.


How to use your template


Purchase your template and immediately receive a download link to your inbox.


Tune into the accompanying video for exactly how to personalise the template for your biz.


Refer to your PDF guide for extra info about how to apply your biz details to the template.

Edit & Apply

Customise to fit your needs and use with ease.

“Riz’s templates made it SO easy to set up contracts with our new freelancers!”

Katy Gillies
Oh My Digital

“I had everything I needed to be biz ready for my upcoming launch.”

Angelushka Raisa Voronainsky-Shigrov

“I wish I’d found something like this when I was just starting out. All the templates are hugely valuable!”

Emma Kate Barker
Web Designer

Ready to go?

Sitting with a brilliant brand but unsure about where to go from here? We’re here to help you get your business off the ground when it comes to all things legal. Bonus! We won’t make it confusing! Legal can be fun. We swear. So book us now for your consultation.