16 | Intellectual Property Factsheet

16 | Intellectual Property Factsheet

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Episode 16 of Legals and Biz with Riz! Today, I’ll be talking about Intellectual Property.

Ever wonder what happens after you create some freaking brilliant content? An awesome image? A clever creative course? What the heck does ‘intellectual property’ even mean, exactly? If you’re wondering about that wonderful intellectual property, “the property of your mind, or proprietary knowledge”, trying to sort out why it’s important, who owns it, licensing and permissions, and so much more little golden nuggets!  If you want to keep yourself protected while at the same time monetise your genius, have a listen to Episode 16 of Legals and Biz with Riz  Intellectual Property Fact Sheet and you can get the skinny on all things IP. Find out the answers to questions like: Who owns IP? What does it mean to license IP? Can I keep my rights as an owner if I license or assign my IP? What are moral rights? And more...more! We promise we made it more interesting than the average legal podcast! Hit up our podcast and listen up!


How to transfer my trade mark to another business 


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